Child Support — Bryan Feemster | Greene County Circuit Clerk

Child Support

How To...

Pay Child Support


You may pay online at: You can mail your payments to them at: FSPC, P.O. Box 109002, Jefferson City, MO 65110-9002.

The Circuit Clerk’s Office does not process payments for child support or maintenance.

  Non-Custodial Parent

You may pay by the following methods: Personal check, cashier check or money order (by mail); credit/debit card (online and by phone). Always be sure to include your court order number and/or your MACSS ID number (A unique number assigned by the Family Support Division) to ensure your payment is posted correctly). You will not receive a receipt, so it is up to you to keep records of your transactions. If paying by mail, be sure your name and return address are legible.

  Custodial Parent

Please note that the FSPC does not issue checks.  They will issue a “SmiOne Card” (similar to a debit card) and load the payments onto it as they are received or they can electronically deposit the payments into your bank account.  For more information regarding these options, please call the FSPC Payment Processing at 1-888-761-3665. 

If you need pay information, please call the automated system at 1-800-225-0530.  You will have access to the last three payments. You may also visit to view and print the last 13 months of payments.  You must have your MACSS ID Number to access the online and automated systems.

If Child Support Enforcement is involved in your case, they can be reached at 1-866-313-9960.  This is the Customer Service line and it will be answered by an actual person.

Terminate or Modify Child Support

  When the child support is from an Administrative Order:                                                  

         Contact the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) at 1-866-313-9960.

  When the child support was court-ordered and the child is a qualifying 18 year old (or older):

         Print out and fill out an Affidavit of Termination of Child Support found here

  • If you receive the child support, submit the form with your photo ID to the Circuit Clerk's office.

  • If you pay the child support, submit the form with a service fee payment for Sheriff's service. It's $35.00 for service within Greene County. (If the other party is in another county you must contact that local Sheriff's Dept. to determine the service fee amount.)

  When the child reaches the age of 21: 

Child Support will automatically terminate with no action by the parties being necessary. 

  For other situations:

Information on modifying child support and the Motion to Modify Child Support forms may be found at

The filing fee is $135.50 and $35.00 for the service fee within Greene County. (If the other party is in another county you must contact that local Sheriff's Dept. to determine the service fee amount.) 

Please feel free to call our office at (417) 868-4074 (option #3) if you have any additional questions. Please note: Per Court Operating Rule 25, we cannot give legal advice.

Forgive Arrears (Child Support or Maintenance)

Only the person who is receiving child support or maintenance may file. Fill out the Affidavit of Credit form found here. Include on the form the money amount to be forgiven whether it be for a partial or complete satisfaction. You can forgive a past owed amount, but not current or future amounts. Submit the form in person to the Circuit Clerk's office along with your photo ID.

Withhold Payment from Income

Fill out the Income Withholding for Support form here with filing instructions being found here. The monthly arrears that can be withheld may not exceed 50% of the monthly child support or maintenance amount. Submit the completed form to the Circuit Clerk's office. 

Obtain Copies of Payment History

You must be a party on the case. Make your request in person at the Circuit Clerk's office by providing your court case number and MACCS ID number. There is a charge of .10 cents per page for a plain copy.

Find Child Support Forms

Document that is issued by court for reinstatement of license when license has been suspended For failure to appear or failure to pay.
Newer Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed from 2008 to the present;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed from 2006 to the present.
Older Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed before 2008;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed before 2006.