Small Claims — Bryan Feemster | Greene County Circuit Clerk


Missouri small claims court allows businesses or people to file lawsuits of up to $5,000 without hiring an Attorney. Before you file suit in small claims court, make sure there is no other way of settling your dispute. You may save yourself a lot of time and effort. You may file no more than twelve claims in small claims court in any calendar year. 

•    Missouri Small Claims Court Handbook

How Small Claims Lawsuits are Filed

The plaintiff (the one who files the lawsuit) usually submits the legal documents in the associate circuit court where the person or business you are suing is located or where the product or service was bought. 

The filing fee is $35.50. There is also a service fee - the amount of which depends on how you choose to serve them. It is $10 (per defendant) to serve by certified mail and $35 (per defendant) to serve by the Greene County Sheriff's department. For sheriff's service in another county, contact that department to see how much their service fee is.

Once the lawsuit is filed, a hearing date is scheduled.  

What Happens in Court

When the court date arrives, you will tell your side of the story to the Judge. You can call witnesses or use any additional information to explain your case. The defendant (the party being sued) also explains his side of the story to the Judge. Do not be intimidated if the defendant is represented by an attorney. The Judge has a responsibility to ensure the proceedings remain informal so your lack of legal knowledge will not hinder you. The Judge then questions all parties associated with the case before making a final decision. 

How to Prepare Your Small Claims Lawsuit

1.    Organize relevant materials such as bills, receipts and letters so you can make a complete and orderly presentation at the hearing. 
2.    Prepare a full, but brief statement of the facts in your case. 
3.    Determine what witnesses, if any, you want to testify. Reluctant witnesses may be subpoenaed if they are important. 
4.    Check or contact the court before the hearing to find out if the defendant has been served with the summons. If service has not been made, the clerk can tell you your options.   
5.    Be on time for the hearing. Failure to do so may result in dismissal of your lawsuit.

Court Officials Do Not Collect Money Associated with the Judge's Ruling

If you have trouble recouping money awarded in small claims court, you have additional legal remedies under the law
The losing party in small claims court also can file an application for a new trial, which will be heard in circuit court. (You usually will need a lawyer's help.) Those applications must be filed in small claims court within 10 days after the Judge's order or the losing party in the case is liable for costs associated with the judgment. 


Filing Information Sheet  -  (Find here case type and party type codes)
Petition for Small Claims
Dismissal of Small Claims
Counterclaim of Small Claims
Satisfaction of Judgment
Application for Trial de Novo



Document that is issued by court for reinstatement of license when license has been suspended For failure to appear or failure to pay.
Newer Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed from 2008 to the present;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed from 2006 to the present.
Older Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed before 2008;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed before 2006.