Domestic — Bryan Feemster | Greene County Circuit Clerk

Domestic Division


EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, JULY 6, 2021, the Family Court Divisions of the 31st Judicial Circuit will begin hearing routine motions at 8:30 a.m., on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. All four Family Court Divisions will be hearing routine motions on these days. Routine motions are those not requiring evidence and that can be heard in approximately five minutes. The use of Memo forms is encouraged and are available from the Court Bailiff. Continue to contact the division clerk for the setting of evidentiary hearings.



Greene County Family Court will begin phasing in routines on April 12, 2021. Each division will have one day of live routines from 8:30am to 9:00 am. Only motions that do not require evidence will be heard. Continue to contact the division clerk for a setting concerning any matter requiring evidence. The schedule is as follows:

  • Division I (Commissioner Martin) - Monday

  • Division II (Commissioner Jensen) - Tuesday

  • Division III (Commissioner Millsap) - Wednesday

  • Division IV (Commissioner Lukachick) - Thursday


Contact:  (417) 868-4074 (option #3)

The Domestic Section is responsible for all Family Court cases filed by attorneys and pro se litigants.  These cases include Dissolution of Marriage, Legal Separation, Paternity, Child Support, Child Custody, Motion to Modify, Motion for Contempt, Family Access Motion, Adult and Child Change of Name, as well as Adult Abuse and Child Abuse Ex Parte Order of Protection cases.  The Domestic Section staff is ready, willing and able to provide you with great customer service, but we are only able to assist you in certain ways.  We can provide you with general information on court procedures, court approved forms, court services and community resources, as well as information on how to obtain legal representation or information on how to represent yourself.  However, we cannot provide you with legal advice such as whether or not you should file a case, what words to use in your court papers, how to try your case, or predict what may happen in court.

Court Clerks are prohibited from giving legal advice pursuant to Supreme Court, Operating Rule 25.

To request a copy from a case click here.



Legal Resources



Court Information

Document that is issued by court for reinstatement of license when license has been suspended For failure to appear or failure to pay.
Newer Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed from 2008 to the present;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed from 2006 to the present.
Older Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed before 2008;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed before 2006.