Domestic Division
EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, JULY 6, 2021, the Family Court Divisions of the 31st Judicial Circuit will begin hearing routine motions at 8:30 a.m., on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. All four Family Court Divisions will be hearing routine motions on these days. Routine motions are those not requiring evidence and that can be heard in approximately five minutes. The use of Memo forms is encouraged and are available from the Court Bailiff. Continue to contact the division clerk for the setting of evidentiary hearings.
Greene County Family Court will begin phasing in routines on April 12, 2021. Each division will have one day of live routines from 8:30am to 9:00 am. Only motions that do not require evidence will be heard. Continue to contact the division clerk for a setting concerning any matter requiring evidence. The schedule is as follows:
Division I (Commissioner Martin) - Monday
Division II (Commissioner Jensen) - Tuesday
Division III (Commissioner Millsap) - Wednesday
Division IV (Commissioner Lukachick) - Thursday
Contact: (417) 868-4074 (option #3)
The Domestic Section is responsible for all Family Court cases filed by attorneys and pro se litigants. These cases include Dissolution of Marriage, Legal Separation, Paternity, Child Support, Child Custody, Motion to Modify, Motion for Contempt, Family Access Motion, Adult and Child Change of Name, as well as Adult Abuse and Child Abuse Ex Parte Order of Protection cases. The Domestic Section staff is ready, willing and able to provide you with great customer service, but we are only able to assist you in certain ways. We can provide you with general information on court procedures, court approved forms, court services and community resources, as well as information on how to obtain legal representation or information on how to represent yourself. However, we cannot provide you with legal advice such as whether or not you should file a case, what words to use in your court papers, how to try your case, or predict what may happen in court.
Court Clerks are prohibited from giving legal advice pursuant to Supreme Court, Operating Rule 25.
To request a copy from a case click here.
- Family Courts are available to hear routine domestic relation matters on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings at 8:30 a.m. Please arrive at the Circuit Clerk’s Office no later than 8:15 a.m.
- The Court is required to apply all rules of procedure and evidence to your case, even if you are not a lawyer.
- You are highly encouraged to seek the services of a lawyer, especially in cases involving children.
- The filing fee for Name Change Petitions is $192.50.
- Adult: Those filing an Adult Change of Name Petition can return to court on any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at 8:30 a.m. after the filing of the Petition.
- Child: If you have the notarized consent (agreement) of each known parent on a Minor Change of Name Petition, you can appear on any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at 8:30 a.m. after the filing of the Petition. If you do not have the notarized consent of the other parent, you may appear on the same days/times thirty or more days after the petition and notice was mailed to the other party by registered or certified mail.
- The filing fee on most cases is $132.50. If service is required, there will be additional fees.
- You may only return to court to have your case finalized at the following times:
- On the date set by the Court. You will be notified by mail.
Or - IF there is no Answer or other responsive pleading filed, you may appear 31 days or more after service of the summons on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 8:30 a.m. On that day, and depending on your circumstances, the Court may decide to set it for another date and time for you to appear.
Or - If an Answer or other responsive pleading HAS been signed and filed, AND the Court has NOT set a trial date, you may appear 31 days or more after the Petition was filed on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 8:30 a.m., but only if you have filed a Notice of Hearing (Form CAFC721) at least 7 days prior. When you appear the Court may decide to set it for another date and time, depending on your circumstances.
- When appearing to request a dissolution of marriage judgment, bring the legal description for all real estate you own.
Divorce/Dissolution of Marriage
Information on Divorce/Dissolution of Marriage cases and the Dissolution of Marriage – Petitioner’s Forms Package may be found at the Missouri Courts website.
For Greene County local family court forms, click here
The filing fee is $132.50 and $35.00 for the service fee within Greene County. (If your spouse is in another county you must contact that local Sheriff's Dept. to determine the service fee amount.)
A divorce proceeding can be complicated and you should give serious consideration to hiring professional legal help. Please feel free to call our office at (417) 868-4074 (option #3) if you have any additional questions.
Paternity means "fatherhood." If the parents are unmarried, a Petition for Declaration of Paternity determines the rights and obligations of the parents. Health insurance providers may want this done before they will cover the child. This also makes it easier for the child to get benefits available through a parent, such as social security and inheritance rights.
The filing fee is $132.50 and $35.00 for the service fee within Greene County. (If the other party is in another county you must contact that local Sheriff's Dept. to determine the service fee amount.)
Paternity proceedings can be complicated and you should give serious consideration to hiring professional legal help. Please feel free to call our office at (417) 868-4074 (option #3) if you have any additional questions.
The Petition for Child Custody may be filed by a Third Party (not the parents of the child) who is seeking custody of a child. More information on establishing child custody and the Petition for Child Custody Forms may be found at
The filing fee is $132.50 and $35.00 for the service fee within Greene County. (If the other party is in another county you must contact that local Sheriff's Dept. to determine the service fee amount.)
Child Custody proceedings can be complicated and you should give serious consideration to hiring professional legal help. Please feel free to call our office at (417) 868-4074 (option #3) if you have any additional questions.
If you have an existing Judgment entitling you to visitation with a child and have been denied visitation without good cause, you may file a Motion for Family Access. Information on Family Access Motions and the Motion for Family Access (Visitation) forms may be found at
The filing fee is $132.50 and $35.00 for the service fee within Greene County. (If the other party is in another county you must contact that local Sheriff's Dept. to determine the service fee amount.)
Please feel free to call our office at (417) 868-4074 (option #3) if you have any additional questions.
If circumstances have changed since entry of a prior Judgment, you may file a Motion to Modify. Information on modifying child custody and the Modification of Child Custody and Support Forms Package may be found at Although not always the case, modification of child custody may require modification of child support.
The filing fee is $132.50 and $35.00 for the service fee within Greene County. (If the other party is in another county you must contact that local Sheriff's Dept. to determine the service fee amount.)
Please feel free to call our office at (417) 868-4074 (option #3) if you have any additional questions.
Information on name changes and the Petition for Change of Name Forms may be found at
The filing fee is $187.50 (includes publication). For child name changes, there is also a $10.00 fee for service by certified mail on the non-consenting natural parent.
Please feel free to call our office at (417) 868-4074 (option #3) if you have any additional questions.
Dissolution of Marriage
Dissolution of Marriage Forms Package
Petition for Declaration of Paternity (Father's)
Petition for Declaration of Paternity (Mother's)
Presumed Father's Petition for Declaration of Non-Paternity
Petition for Child Custody
Name Change
Petition for Change of Name (Adult) and Judgment
Petition for Change of Name (Child)
Petition, Consent and Order for Parent's Appointment as Next Friend
Consent to Minor Child's Change of Name
Judgment for Change of Name of Minor Child
Motion to Modify Child Custody (and Support)
Family Access (Visitation)
Motion for Family Access Order
Additional Forms
Filing Information Sheet
- (Find here case type and party type lists)
Change of Address
Family Education Order
Satisfaction of Judgment
Dissolution By Affidavit Guidelines
Family Court Affidavit Form #1 (no children)
Family Court Affidavit Form #2 (with children) *
Family Court Affidavit Form #3 (Paternity) *
Family Court Affidavit Form #4 (Modification) *
*NOTE: Per local court rules 68.5.1(b), 68.6(b), and 78.1(b), in order to utilize these affidavits, there must be an agreement or at least one of the parties must be represented by an attorney.
Legal Resources
Legal Services of Southern Missouri (Legal Services Programs)
Missouri Seniors' Legal Helpline (Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services)
Stateside Legal (Legal help for military members, veterans and their families.)
In Your Child's Best Interest: A Handbook for Separating/Divorcing Parents (Large Print Version)
Public Information Brochures provided by The Missouri Bar
Court Information
The Family Courts only hold morning routines to hear unscheduled Domestic Relations cases on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 8:30am. Please arrive at the Circuit Clerk’s Office no later than 8:15am so your file can be pulled for court.