Electronic Filing — Bryan Feemster | Greene County Circuit Clerk

Electronic Filing

Greene County accepts all new cases and documents from attorneys through Missouri's eFiling portal. This only applies to attorneys; pro se individuals will continue to file with paper documents.

Administrative Orders Regarding Electronic Case Filing 
Administrative Order Regarding Service of Documents in Family Court Cases 
Electronic Filing tips and FAQs 

Case/document Returns

When a document, pleading, or case is submitted through the eFiling portal, some of the reasons that a submission may be returned are:

  • No signature on document
  • Wrong case number or style
  • Document is unreadable
  • Document is incomplete or incorrect
  • No judgment for garnishment request
  • Missing or insufficient fees

Any declined submission will specifically state why it was returned.

Payment options for filing fees

The Greene County Courts will accept filing fees through three commonly used options for all eFiled cases. EFiling submissions will be rejected if no payment is made for cases that require a fee. 

Payment options:

  1. Credit or debit card
  2. Electronic check
  3. Manual business check/cashiers check

Greene County Courts will not be utilizing the online option of a county debit account. 

Options one and two would be applied through the State eFiling system and incur a small convenience fee to a third party vendor. 

Option 3 does not require a convenience fee to be paid. To use option 3, the attorney would need to select the "Fee Waived" option in the eFiling process. Then in the special text box include the check number for the corresponding check and amount that will be sent to the Circuit Clerk's office to cover the applicable filing fee. 

When preparing the check to be sent in, it needs to include the style of the case and the date that the eFiling was submitted. A three business day grace period will apply to allow time to match payments with submitted cases before a submitted eFiling is rejected. No case will be processed until payment has been received by the Clerk's office (unless no filing fee is required). 

If the United States postal service is being used to deliver the check(s), attorneys are encourage to mail their check(s) at least one or two days prior to submitting the corresponding new case. Please be sure to include contact information in the event that any question would arise concerning payment of the filing fee.

Important Links:

A video about how to register with and use the Missouri eFiling System. Click here.

Registration setup for the Missouri eFiling System. Click here.

Webinar training information & dates. Click here.

Frequently Asked Questions on eFiling. Click here.

For help with eFiling, please contact the OSCA Help Desk via e-mail at osca.help.desk@courts.mo.gov or toll-free by phone at (888) 541-4894. The Help Desk is available 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays.

Document that is issued by court for reinstatement of license when license has been suspended For failure to appear or failure to pay.
Newer Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed from 2008 to the present;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed from 2006 to the present.
Older Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed before 2008;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed before 2006.