Court Divisions — Bryan Feemster | Greene County Circuit Clerk

The Greene County Consolidated Circuit Courts are divided into 19 divisions: (7) Circuit Courts, (6) Associate Courts, (4) Family Courts, (1) Treatment Court, and (1) Probate Court

The Circuit Courts have general jurisdiction over civil cases with any cause of action over $25,000, criminal felony cases that are transferred from the Associate Court, Juvenile cases, Domestic cases, and oversee Family, Treatment, and Probate Courts. 

The Associate Courts have general jurisdiction over civil cases with any cause of action under $25,000, small claims, traffic tickets, and criminal misdemeanors and felonies.

Circuit Court Divisions:

Division 1 
Judge Ankrom
P: 417-868-4086

Division 2
Judge Greenwade
P: 417-829-6543

Division 3
Judge Wichmer
P: 417-868-4099

Division 4
Judge Myers
P: 417-868-4089

Division 5
Judge Harmison
P: 417-868-4058

Division 6
Judge Christensen
P: 417-868-4837

Division 7
Judge Taylor
P: 417-829-6385


Associate Court Divisions:

Division 21
Judge Fuhrman


Division 22

Judge Holden Palmietto
P: 417-868-4107

Division 23
Judge Hosmer
P: 417-868-4095

Division 24
Judge Poppen
P: 417-829-6574

Division 25
Judge Stockard
P: 417-868-4080

Division 26
Judge Carrier
P: 417-829-6005

Court Commissioner Divisions:

Family Court 1
Commissioner Kanable
P: 417-868-4802

Family Court 2
Commissioner Jensen
P: 417-868-4800

Family Court 3
Commissioner Millsap
P: 417-868-4180

Family Court 4
Commissioner Lukachick
P: 417-829-6084

Treatment Court
Commissioner Austin
P: 417-829-6240

Probate Court
Commissioner Clouse
P: 417-868-4027

Document that is issued by court for reinstatement of license when license has been suspended For failure to appear or failure to pay.
Newer Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed from 2008 to the present;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed from 2006 to the present.
Older Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed before 2008;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed before 2006.