Representing Yourself — Bryan Feemster | Greene County Circuit Clerk


A party in an action may choose to participate in the judicial process without legal representation and represent herself/himself in court.  This is called pro se.  Although it is strongly recommended that a party be represented by legal counsel, self-represented litigants have a right to access the judicial system without legal representation. In Greene County (31st Judicial Circuit), Pro Se litigants must meet the requirements of Administrative Order #2021-AO08. Please click here to view AO08.



  • All information listed below pertains to the directives outlined in the Administrative Order #2021-AO08.

  • All initial filings, more commonly referenced as a petition, must be filed in the office of the Greene County Circuit Clerk. Petitions will only be accepted when filed in-person, sent by U.S. Postal Service or by other commercial expedited services, and includes the appropriate filing fee.

    To file a petition with the Greene county Circuit Clerk’s Office, please visit or address the following location:

    * Greene county Circuit Clerk’s Office

    1010 N. Boonville - 2nd Floor

    Springfield, MO 65802

    Petition forms and filing fees may be found by visiting: (petitions & other court forms) click here to be linked to forms. click here to be linked to fees.

    Initial filings are not permitted by facsimile and/or by email.

  • All subsequent no-lawyer filings may be submitted by:

    * In-person or by mail at the following address:

    Greene County Circuit Clerk’s Office

    1010 N. Booneville

    Springfield, MO 65802

    * Emailed to the following address:

    Attachments must be in PDF Format

    Subject Line must reference the case number and contain the wording “Non-Lawyer Filing”

  • All filings shall include the following criteria:

    1. Case Number(s): To obtain a case number you may visit Missouri at:

    -OR- Contact the Circuit Clerks Office at: 417-868-4074

    2. Name of Filing Party: Documentation must include the full name of the filing party. Name must be legible.

    3. Phone Number of Filing Party: Must be a valid and current method of contact. Must include area code. If multiple numbers are

    listed must indicate primary contact number.

    4. Email Address for Filing Party: Primary email that may be used for correspondence of case matters.

    The Greene County Circuit Clerk’s Office reserves the right to refuse to accept and return any filing that is illegible or fails to meet the criteria.

    To view the Administrative Order #2021-AO08, Please click here.

    or visit Representing Yourself - Pro Se (Non-Lawyer) at se.


  • For additional information on self-representation, please visit the website:


Document that is issued by court for reinstatement of license when license has been suspended For failure to appear or failure to pay.
Newer Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed from 2008 to the present;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed from 2006 to the present.
Older Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed before 2008;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed before 2006.