Traffic Bureau — Bryan Feemster | Greene County Circuit Clerk

Traffic Division


Contact:  (417) 868-4074 (option #5)

The Traffic division is comprised of ten employees, each holding various responsibilities in processing traffic cases.  Job duties within the division include, but are not limited to: Case Initiations (opening the case), Pleadings (documents filed by parties), Dispositions (judgment), and License Suspensions. The Traffic Division is responsible for different types of lower lever traffic charges and for processing those cases from beginning to end.

When you were issued your traffic ticket, a court date was provided by the officer. It is always advisable to check prior to that court date to ensure your ticket has been filed with the courts. You may access and search by litigant name or ticket number. First, select the 31st Judicial Circuit from the field titled "Search For Cases In" and enter your name or ticket number as shown on your ticket. Next, in the field "Year Case was Filed", enter the year your ticket was issued and then click "Find". If you cannot locate your case, please contact our office at 417-868-4074 (option #4). If you do not have access to, please feel free to call our office at the above number.


Some lower lever traffic charges may be eligible to be paid online through the Plead and Pay option in lieu of appearing in court. Examples of those charges would be seat belt tickets, lower speeding charges, failure to obey traffic control device, etc. To determine if your ticket is eligible to be paid through Plead and Pay, you can search on by name or ticket number. First, in the field titled “Search For Cases In”, you would select the 31st Judicial Circuit from the drop down menu. You would then enter your name and/or ticket number and select “find”. When the case is retrieved, you would select the Plead and Pay option and follow the steps as outlined. Those steps include entering your guilty plea to the charge(s) by electronically signing a Waiver of Appearance and Guilty Plea form. You would then proceed to pay the fines and costs with a debit or credit card, or enter your bank information if you prefer to pay by electronic check. Once this process is completed, the hearing date shown on the ticket will be canceled, and the case will be completed. This feature is only available up to the day the court hearing is scheduled. Should you have questions or require assistance, you can call our office at 417-868-4074.

If you have a higher charge that is not eligible to be paid through the Plead and Pay system, that option will not be available for selection when you find your case on In that event, you will need to appear in court on the date scheduled.








Document that is issued by court for reinstatement of license when license has been suspended For failure to appear or failure to pay.
Newer Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed from 2008 to the present;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed from 2006 to the present.
Older Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed before 2008;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed before 2006.