Judge Poppen — Bryan Feemster | Greene County Circuit Clerk


Graduate of Kansas State University, B.S., magna cum laude, 1994.

University of Kansas School of Law, J.D., order of the coif honors, 1997.

Federal Law Clerk to the Honorable G. Thomas VanBebber, United State District Court for the District of Kansas, 1998-2000.

Private practice at Shook, Hardy, Bacon, Strong Law Firm, and Neale and Newman.

Appointed Associate Circuit Judge in 2023.

Document that is issued by court for reinstatement of license when license has been suspended For failure to appear or failure to pay.
Newer Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed from 2008 to the present;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed from 2006 to the present.
Older Cases:
Civil and Domestic cases filed before 2008;
Criminal and Traffic cases filed before 2006.